Middle and lower back pain, numbness in legs and tingling in hands. Strange feeling like something is leaking down my back and left leg. More images http://radiology-images.blogspot.com
Clinically there is far too little information to make even an informed guess. Do you have neck pain, is there a history of trauma. Weight loss, abdominal pain?
Nothing in the lower back ( the only X-rays) would be likely to cause the numbness and tingling in your hands.
Do movements of the back increase the back pain and/or leg pain?
I am not a qualified radiologist but there appears to be sclerotic changes in the right sacro-iliac joint and a Pincer deformity in the right hip. Any groin pain or difficulty walking?
It's never wise to make pronouncements on what's seen at the edges of a film, but I'd like to see more detailed X-rays at the thoraco-lumbar junction. Is the numbness and tingling at the back of the legs, or the front and side of the legs? Groin?
All in all, I'm really not sure. More information is needed, both clinical and further X-rays of the neck and T/L junction. The above is really speculative. I am unable to comment on the abdominal scans shown at blogspot - quite unqualified in that domain.
Sorry, I fear I have contributed little.
Dr. Barrie Lewis