femoral nerve impingement or torn adductor muscles?

by kylie

Hiya, I am a 100m hurdler and compete at international level. I train 8-9times a week. I was doing a regular hurdles session. I had eaten and hydrated well and had a thorough warm up going through all the movements I would use to hurdle.

I set three hurdles out; I run three strides inbetween each hurdle. On the first rep I felt tightness in my trail leg, the leg which comes down last and goes around the hurdle. I thought nothing of it as I tend to feel a bit of tightness.

The second run however I felt a tightening pain in my groin as I completed my rep. The pain was indistinguishable and it felt tight and constricted and it was not obvious if it was cramp, torn adductor or trapped nerve. The pain got worse and worse over time to the point I could not walk at all and I state at all!! The pain was intense.

What set the pain off was the instigation of me trying to lift my quad upwards or to move it. It was a feeling of shear tightness in my groin like a contraction that would not let go. I went to the walk in centre primarily to get a mobility aid in this case crutches. I could not weight bear on my left or right side respectively without pain, but could weight bear if I was centered evenly. I made my way home some how, the pain was so intense.

I was traveling by plane the following day so had to pack my case. I leant backwards as if it stretched my hip flexors, I didn't think anything of it, but miraculously I could walk and weight bear with no pain. I could not believe it!!!

Since then i have been getting shooting pain down my groin that stops me in my tracks; I am using the crutches as support. My leg feels like it is buzzing all the time with twitches mostly in the damaged left leg but also in the right leg down the sciatic nerve. Weirdly I noticed the skin on my damaged left medial side of the distal end of my adductors and quads near my knee, was very sore to touch; a type of burning sensation and very sensitive to temperature change such as water or body lotion. As I have been writing this lying down in bed, my nerves have felt very active in my groin area, with the occasional quad twitching.

I seem to have full range of movement in my adductors with no pain and can resist both inwards and outwards and generally don't seem too restricted in the muscle and I can medially and laterally rotate my leg and no pain there either.

I have suffered with patella femoral syndrome on the left leg too my burning sensation is always the medial lower side of my knee.

Whether related or not I get a muscle spasm every night if I lie on my left side for too long as my right lumbar goes in to spasm and I jerk uncontrollably to lie flat on my back. I have had this for years now.

Would be really great if you could point me in the right direction on how I can rehab this area and what professionals I will need to see to get it fixed asap.

Thank you for your time

Hello Kylie,
The change in sensation in your leg, and the twitches, known as fasciculations, certainly point to a condition primarily related to a nerve, probably in your back.

That weakens the muscle, and then you end up with a muscular strain to complicate things.

What's needed is a careful and thorough examination of your spine, sacroiliac joints and hip in order to work out what the primary cause of your problems is.

Contact the British chiropractic association and ask for the name of a local FICS trained chiropractor; that's a sports oriented post graduate diploma.

As a general rule I don't believe in rushing off the doctor or chiropractor for every little snivel and muscle pain; but this has clearly been talking to you for years. Now you have to stop, go through some treatment and rehabilitation before you can go back into competition.

Take it seriously; injuries of this nature can end your career.

Let me know how you get on in a few weeks; meantime start the simple, basic exercises which you can find at Chiropractic Help.

Dr B

» femoral nerve impingement or torn adductor muscles?

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Aug 02, 2017
Was there a resolution on this? I have this problem
by: Anonymous

I'm experiencing this right now and can't get the release to happen. Any more details on what the situation was? My SI joint was severely out of alignment but has been adjusted back into alignment, but still no release of the femoral nerve problem. It feels like muscles at the ASIS/AIIS are tangled. Would really love to understand this. (I have an MRI scheduled in 10 days' time--had this happening already for 10 days.)

Mine happened while I was sleeping--woke up to intense pain. Dr here says it's an L4 disc herniation, but it doesn't seem like I have other low back symptoms. Since day 1 most relief is found by sitting on a stair, directly on my sit bones, or flexing forward, or crawling on all fours.


If you have no back pain, bending forwards, backwards and to the side doesn't hurt in the back or leg? then I would be thinking a hip condition.

Flexing forwards relieves the pain; does extending increase it? Bending backwards.

If you lie on your back and pull your knee to your chest, make a circle, drop it into the lotus position. No pain or stiffness? Compare with the other leg.

L4 disc herniation would cause a strong sciatic or femoral nerve stretch and loss of the quadriceps or medial hamstring reflex. And sensory change; try pricking yourself with a pin, is it the same in the other leg? An MRI would show it up.

Sitting in that chair where you get relief, does raising your knee actively (not lifting with your hands) hurt? Where? Straightening the knee so the leg is parallel to the ground: does that hurt? Where? Compare with the other leg?

Has an x-ray of your pelvis been taken?

Long and the short of it is that there really are many possibilities, and I'm not sure. I hope these thoughts may help.

Dr B

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