Outer upper thigh pain / Meralgia paresthetica
by Josie
(Perth, Australia)
Meralgia paresthetica
Lateral Femoral cutaneous nerve
Meralgia paresthetica
I have been suffering with a painful spot in the muscle in the lower to mid upper outer thigh. It is not excruciating but annoying and had been constant for three days. I have not been straining the muscle as far as I know - I have not been running or walking strenuously. However, I have had a sciatic issue in the past, but this caused more pain in the lower leg and foot. I am unsure if this could be a spinal/nerve issue or something else.
Hello Josie,
Assuming it's not muscular, the first thought is a condition called Meralgia paresthetica. Like Carpal Tunnel syndrome, it's a double crush syndrome: in the upper lumbar spine and in the groin. Do you have any groin pain? If you rub your thumb down from the groin into the thigh is it very tender? To treat it successfully, both the groin and lumbar spine have to be addressed.
But three isn't long. I'd start with the lower back exercises at C-H. Another two exercises you'll find at Maignes syndrome exercises, an allied condition from the same part of the spine.
These are conditions of the Femoral nerve. To rule out a sciatica, do the Slump test. Does it cause pain in that thigh?
You can find all these by plugging the terms into the Search this Site function at C-H.
And of course several other possibilities that only a careful thorough exam will uncover. As alwasys treat referred nerve pain more seriously than pain in the back.
I hope this has contributed.
Dr B