Chiropractor Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale

CHIROPRACTOR Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale helps you find your local DC.

Drs Marius de Wet and Siobhan Wilcox, 116 Kayburne Ave, Randpark Ridge, (011) 791 7799.

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  3. Chiropractor Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale

The greatest criticism of manual forms of therapy have used terms broadly as an unscientific cult; that may have been true forty years ago, but today there is a wealthy of research confirming the benefits of manipulation.

Let's also recognise that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, widely used and recommend various forms of manual therapy.

For example, in a recent research review of the literature concerning lumbopelvic pain in pregnancy, published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, the authors conclude that

  • More than half of pregnant women have either low back or pelvic girdle pain.
  • Both exercise and manipulative therapy have been established as safe for the pregnant woman.
  • Eighteen different studies were evaluated. Seventeen of them showed that either exercise, a lumbopelvic belt or manipulative therapy yielded positive results in terms of both discomfort and relief from disabling pain.
  • A further 19 studies considered chiropractic care, all yielding positive results both in terms of disability and pain.

Their conclusions were that there is moderate scientific supporting exercise treatment, but that generally higher quality research is needed.

  • Chiropractic Conditions is a central page at our site. It provides you simply and easily with the sorts of diagnoses that the average DC would be treating.
  • Healthy Living Tips is another vital page at Chiropractic Help. Sparkling wellbeing is not just about having your subluxations adjusted. This link gives you some insights into different foods you could and perhaps should be eating.

CHIROPRACTOR Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale

CHIROPRACTOR Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale will point you to the many competent doctors in your neighbourhood to help with your aches and pains.

Dr Willem Boshoff, Annexe 7, Wilgeheuwel Hospital on Amplifier Rd, Radiokop. (011) 675 3026

Dr Marius de Wet, 116 Kayburne Ave, Randpark Ridge, 011 791 7799

Dr Dickerson

Dr Palmer

Dr Walters

Dr Siobhan Wilcox, 116 Kayburne Ave, Randpark Ridge, 011 791 7799

PS. Your Chiropractor's address and phone number not listed here? Tell him/ her, for a once off R500, he can have all his details listed here, and a webpage describing the practice. A once-off, never-to-be repeated-fee.

Photograph of a woman showing the back of head where she experiences headache.

What can you expect at your first consultation with a chiropractor? And why would you want to see a chiropractor in the first place?

Consulting a chiropractor 

Chiropractor Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale

Well, there is very powerful, convincing evidence, both medical and chiropractor, that manipulation is more effective, and more cost-effective, for complaints such as lower back pain and leg pain.

Chiropractors can now claim to work within what is known as "evidence-based" therapy. In fact it's not only chiropractic research, but medical research too that verifies that chiropractic is more effective for your lumbago. What's more, if you first consult a chiropractor for low back pain, research confirms you are less likely to end up under the knife.

  • Consulting a chiropractor ... what to expect.

Whilst there are potential side effects and dangers associated with all treatment, the dangers of anti inflammatory drugs and surgery are considerably greater than those of Chiropractic. That's especially true if you are taking two medicines like aspirin and brufin simultaneously. So-called dual antiinflammatory drugs ...

Fourteen thousand Americans DIE every year directly from a gastric bleed caused by NSAIDs. Doctor-caused disease, aka iatrogenic illness.

Have you recently vomited blood, or passed a black stool?

Chiropractic iatrogenic illness  ... yes, there are potential side-effects from Chiropractic treatment too. A cracked rib is the most common. Painful, but self-limiting, lasting a few weeks only. And it's rare... personally, on average, I've cracked one rib every four years. Eight in thirty-three years.

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Hip arthritis

Hip arthritis is always, even in its advanced state, partly a job for  chiropractor Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale; it almost always fixates the sacroiliac joint resulting in failed hip surgery if not attended to. 

There are many conditions that, neglected, will cause Hip arthritis ...

The most obvious example is a leg length inequality. There is heaps of research confirming that people with a short leg have a higher incidence of knee and hip arthritis. And in the practice we know that patients with short legs often have a scoliosis and make good material for degenerative lumbar disc disease casefiles such as this one!

Have your chiropractor examine you to determine if you have a significantly short leg. A millimetre or two is not usually significant. Leg length inequality ...

AP lumbar x-ray showing lumbar spondylosis and scoliosis.

In addition, there are other conditions such as Developmental Hip Dysplasia that cause hip arthritis. Gross cases of subluxated or dislocated (more often after a breach birth) DDH would be detected by the paediatrician at birth, but many of the marginal conditions are not detected until later in life.

Your Chiropractor is fully equipped to examine and diagnose and treat such conditions. Another is Femoro Acetabular Impingement Syndrome which starts as stiff hip in the young adult, progressing untreated unerringly to hip arthritis.

Developmental hip dysplasia casefile ... you might want to try these exercises if you suffer from groin and upper leg pain.

Take the hip arthritis test

It's easy. Lie on your back and pull each knee, one at a time to the chest, and then towards the opposite shoulder. Is one much stiffer than the other? Pain in the groin or side of the thigh, or upper leg pain ...? Can you easily put your leg into this position.

Patrick's Faber, sometimes called Fabere test.

Probably the biggest single thing you can do to reduce your chances of getting arthritis, is to get onto a diet high in omega-3. That's difficult in Gauteng, far from the ocean and fatty fish. Much research is now confirming the capsules are much less effective.  The cheap alternative is flaxseed. Likewise, the freshly ground flaxseed vs oil research is unequivocal.

Flax seeds in a coffee grinder.

Nutritional corner

The ratio of omega 6 to 3 fatty acids in the diet has a profoundly important effect on general inflammation in the joints, muscles and organs.

Those who consume low levels of fatty fish, flaxseed or walnuts, together with large amounts of polyunsaturated oils are far more prone to pain and disability.

You will find your chiropractor taking a healthy interest in what you do and don't eat. There are few more distressing things than to hear that a favourite patient has suddenly had a heart attack or stroke and died ten or more years before his or her time. For example, consider these breakfasts and Helens 15 euro salad that saved my bacon.

  • Healthy breakfast menu ...
  • Easy lunch recipes ...
  • Helens 15 euro salad ... it saved my life. Literally. 

It's interesting that researchers following a large group of doctors and nurses over a 25 year period found that adding just one slice of 100% wholemeal bread daily to your diet reduces your mortality from heart disease by 9%.

Foods to avoid high cholesterol 

Chiropractor Boskruin Fairland Honeydew Olivedale

High cholesterol doesn't just raise the risk of a heart attack. It means your back will heal more slowly after an injury, the likelihood of a stroke is much high, and you are more likely to get Alzheimers... all good reasons to get your HDL and LDL into shape. But what do these terms mean, and what foods should you avoid? Foods to avoid high cholesterol ... including tables of LDL and HDL. Are you at risk?


  • A day in the life of chiropractor Bernard Preston  ... what do Chiropractors actually do? 

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