Arthritis after whiplash

by Ross

Arthritis after whiplash

History:*victim of rear-end auto accident 2008.I settled w/ ins. w/o treatment
because I thought I was ok. I didnt know what I was doing.

I've progressively suffered varying degrees of pain and stiffness since in

*I was rear-ended again Dec 2012.
Neck/shoulders,arms, wrists were sore next day.
* It was 1-2 wks before I could see my doctor,secretary put me off.
I complained of stiffness and pain. Prescribed muscle relaxers.Was
told I was stick straight.

*Later I was told I had a touch of arthritis and
was suggested to go to physical therapy for accident.

*March: I began physical therapy. It is week four and finally a bit of
relief. But I still have some remaining stiffness and pain.

*How do I tell the difference between a touch of arthritis and problems related to the whiplash?I am asked to rate the pain. How do I know what answer is? I don't want to short change myself in treatment, because I unintentionally did that before.I want to get well and have the ability to be treated for this problem or for potential future problems.

*I believe the arthritis came about through either the previous auto accident.?

*Or can it come about after the second one that soon?

Hello Ross,
I'm afraid whiplash almost always leaves its mark. That's not just my opinion after 30+ years in practice. It's well researched. Whiplash Research ...

There are many reasons why this is so, and the symptoms can be very different, depending on what tissue is involved. It could be brainstem injury, spinal cord, or muscles and ligaments, bones and joints... symptoms vary incredibly for one reason or another.

Whiplash Chiropractic

You ask about arthritis after whiplash. That too is complex but research is now unequivocal - loss of range of motion in any joint, say the neck joints, leads on to what is now being called Immobilisation Arthritis it has to do with loss of normal joint nutrition.

What varies enormously is how quickly that arthritis sets in. There are many other factors, smoking, general diet, how fit you are, mental attitudes... but probably at least a few years. I doubt the recent injury.

What is extremely difficult to prove is that it's not from some previous injury. Most of us have taken a tumble or two, down stairs, in the swimming pool, old sports injuries...

Accept that two whiplashes in two years will certainly leave their mark. Compensation isn't the point, it's future health. That means eating a diet rich in foods that support joint cartilage and nerves. Foods like fatty fish, freshly ground flaxseed, walnuts. Flax seed nutrition information ...

And then restoring the normal movement to your neck. Of course, I'm rather partisan! but I'm glad that a PT is bringing you some relief.

And drive carefully, defensively, more slowly now. Whilst you can't undo others' stupidity, make sure you aren't the cause of another whiplash. A third accident could well tip the scales against you.

Go from Arthritis after whiplash to other Chiropractic Conditions often treated…

I hope this has contributed. If so, this is my latest book of chiropractic anecdotes, available on Amazon for $2.99! Shameless! Stones in my Clog … Chiropractic anecdotes from the polders of Holland.

Dr. Barrie Lewis

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Apr 17, 2013
Stiff neck exercises for neck pain.
by: Ross

Stiff neck exercises for neck pain

If I had whiplash before(in 2008),
Developed arthritis..
And have another whiplash after another accident in Dec.2012...

While I'm seeking to get well, what results can I possibly expect, to determine if I need more help with the whiplash or if lingering pain is from arthritis?

See,the other person's insurance is going to pay for my therapy.

If more therapy (or chiro.or shots) is suggested, do I just go with it and let their insurance pay for it or what?

Where is the determining factor for me to know that the whiplash is treated and what I am dealing with this pain from arthritis? How can I know the difference to be honest in this matter and get the help I need?

I hope this makes sense.

Like I said, Ross, the arthritis and the whiplash are one and the same condition. Don't try to distinguish them. One leads directly to the other. Remembering that old forgotten trauma may be part of the equation.

Obviously I've had no chance to examine you, so I'm speaking in general terms.

Because you are not going to be "cured", these accidents will leave a mark on you, I'd go for an open ended treatment protocol, something the insurance won't like.

Secondly, I'd avoid an intensive treatment programme. There's a whole industry out there hoping to make a meal out of your problem, and they may try to convince you that you absolutely MUST have three treatments a week for months. My personal opinion, please note MY opinion, is too much manipulation isn't good either.

MY approach would be to have 6-10 treatments over the next month, depending on the clinical findings, and then an OCCASIONAL, but REGULAR treatment.

What does that mean in practice? It really depends on your situation. A treatment every 4-10 weeks depending on progress and your particular presentation.

Try and have a sports massage every... perhaps 4 weeks as part of the programme.

And make sure you get an exercise regimen, carefully explained and properly demonstrated and checked by a suitably qualified biokinesiologist, or like. Remembering that you are not seeking to be a member of the next all America Winter olympics team! Just some gentle exercises, but correctly done. Regularly.

Some of these stiff neck exercises for neck pain may be suitable. I'd avoid sit-up type exercises, and pull downs.

Good luck, you're entering a mine field, so your questions are certainly pertinent, but difficult to answer specifically.

Dr. Barrie Lewis

Apr 16, 2013
additional info/question...
by: Ross

You've provided good information. How does a professional determine if the discomfort that I'm experiencing, isn't coming from the touch of arthritis after they have been treating the whiplash for weeks?

I want to make sure that I get the right help and also am not trying to be dishonest in any way, so how can I know if the discomfort is from the arthritis or whiplash?

The arthritis, assuming it's osteoarthritis which it almost certainly is, and the old whiplash are one and the same condition. The fixated joints from the whiplash lead directly to the immobilisation arthritis and head neck pain ...

However, it's also a good idea to treat the osteoarthritis from a nutritional perspective. Heaps of evidence that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil and
walnuts, also beneficial for hypertension, flaxseed.

Lastly make sure you get some exercises. Movement is what is paramount in the treatment of your condition. Good luck.

Dr. Barrie Lewis

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