Burning on front of thigh, above knee, while sleeping - femoral nerve?
by Wendy
Burning on front of thigh, above knee, while sleeping - femoral nerve?
I am a 31 year old female; for a few years I have noticed a burning or numbness on one thigh, front side, above knee, after a full night of sleeping. It is worst when laying on my back, and slightly alleviated if I curl in fetal position on my side. It's gotten worse the past few months which led me here.
Hello Wendy,
Would you do five little tests for me please, and give me exact answers.
1. Bend forwards, backwards, and to the side; does it give you any back pain, and does it increase the burning on the front of your thigh?
2. Take a pin and prick both thighs. Is there a difference, and exactly where?
3. Stand on one leg and bounce, compare with the naughty leg. Does the knee give?
4. Starting at the crest of your hip, using some oil, run the tip of your thumb down through the groin and inner thigh towards the knee. Compare sides; is it particularly tender anywhere?
5. Do the Faber test as in the graphic.
Do you have any buttock pain?
Let me know; precise answers please.
Dr B
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