Comments for Coccyx broke in 2004, now sore for four years with involved issues

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Mar 16, 2017
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by: Cassady

I am 49 years old, I go to the gym 3 times a week eat very healthy. I am on bioidentical progesterone.
At first I tried hormone replacements thinking it was hormonal. But it didn't fix it.
Masturbation makes things worse, and yes I have had a full physical including Gynae exam, and everything's fine.
I haven't tried a Chiropractor, but I don't know which ones are good in my area.

Hello Cassady,
I don't know what bioidentical progesterone is, and the duo of progesterone and oestrogen is certainly far worse, but personally I'm dead against HRT in any form, except in extreme cases. Obviously if you've had a full hysterectomy including ovaries...

Incontinence is just one of the many side effects; one of the less serious.

The best way to find a plumber, lawyer, chiropractor... is to talk to friends and family; and your doctor.

Dr Barrie Lewis

> > Coccyx broke in 2004, now sore for four years with involved issues

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