Ehlers Danlos and clicking painful hips
by Marie
Slipped Capital Femoral epiphysis
Ehlers Danlos and clicking painful hips
Hello and thank you for your very interesting site!
I have ehlers danlos syndrome and was diagnosed about a year ago. I am now 33 yers old.
My hip problems started when I was 17, and I was told I had a snapping hip on my left. I went trough two hip surgery to correct the snapping hip but it did just get me more pain.
The last year I understood that my hips where very hypermobile and they started to click in each step. Not the snapping hip I've had since I was 17, now it also was a painful clicking inside my hip joints.
Every step I take is now so hurtful and I walk with a crutch to let the worst hip rest a little.
Since december 2012 i've done some xrays, but the doctors says it all looks normal and they are confused about my pain and very loud clicking.
When I read about hdd it sounded like my hips, except from the xrays that doesn't show anything abnormal.
In sweden where I live I have never heard someone talking about hip dyspasia in adults, maybe that is the problem with my hips anyway?
I'm sending you an xray picture of my hips.
I'm starting to be desperate, the wheel chair is near and I have four kids to look after for.
Maybe you can give me some advice?
Hello Marie,
Fortunately you don't hip have hip dysplasia. The sockets, acetabulum, are normally formed and roofed, and the hips sit nicely in the sockets.
There are two types of hypermobile hips. One is hdd or hip dysplasia. That you don't have. The other is simply known as hypermobility and is considered normal, although it certainly can be painful. In the groin, hip and upper leg.
And hypermobility is what eds is all about.
Is it possible for you to send to me at contact a larger file of your pelvis. This one is only 13KB and not diagnostic.
A little test for you: Lie flat on your back and first pull the less painful knee to your chest. Does it hurt? Where? Now compare with the worse hip.
Secondly, pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder. Stiff or very mobile? Sore? Where?
Now rotate the hips. Again hypermobile presumably and sore? Where?
Now, would you please go to this page and scroll down to
Hypermobile hip dysplasia CAM FAIS patrick's fabere test. I expect it's very mobile, but sore? Where?
Lastly, slide your thumb, use a little oil, down the inner thigh starting right up near the hip in the groin. Deep and quite hard. Is it very sensititive. Compare with a friend. It shouldn't be particularly tender and in your case may be excruciating.
Your xray. Like I said too small, but I think I see small cam and pincer deformities of Femoro acetabular impingement syndrome in both hips.
There's a very bizarre condition in which hypermobility and fais co-exist in the hip. One causes increased movement, the other decreased movement, a complete contradiction. The net result is severe pain in the groin.
Both may progress to osteoarthritis of the hip and I think on the hip on the reading left there may be some thinning of the cartilage.
This condition may lead to mid lumbar pain. No back pain?
Was this X-ray taken with you lying down?
Quite a lot of questions for you, Marie. Please keep to the same thread with your answers.
There is something to be done.
Dr Barrie Lewis DC
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