by Cameo Franz
I slammed a baseball bat into a brick wall. I'm a petite gal, 59, not atheletic and this action was out of stress and anger. I did not feel anything at first; however, over a week or two I realized a loss of strenght and pain from my right hand, up my arm and into my neck of the right side. This has continued for 2+ months. I had so much restrictive movement and pain I went to Emergency Care Center. That Dr. said I had "sprainged" my shoulder: xrays showed no other damage. However, I may have sprainged my shoulder BUT I also have NERVE DAMAGE and CHRONIC PAIN ON THE RIGHT HAND, ARM, SHOULDER AND NECK. I had an MRI and will get results on "soft tissue damage" this week. Whatever, I know I have spastic nerve damage (yes, doing cold and hot therapy to little avail). Very concerned I will have chronic pain the rest of my life. Hope to get a cortisoid shot to ease the pain: but doctors where I live are not "high tech" and my insurance only provides a handful of doctors I can consult. They seem NOT to take pain seriously and I have allergies so pain pills are out of the question; and doctors like to plan the "prescription game". I am seeking "homeopathic" treatment. Regards, Franz
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