
by Cameo Franz

I slammed a baseball bat into a brick wall. I'm a petite gal, 59, not atheletic and this action was out of stress and anger. I did not feel anything at first; however, over a week or two I realized a loss of strenght and pain from my right hand, up my arm and into my neck of the right side. This has continued for 2+ months. I had so much restrictive movement and pain I went to Emergency Care Center. That Dr. said I had "sprainged" my shoulder: xrays showed no other damage. However, I may have sprainged my shoulder BUT I also have NERVE DAMAGE and CHRONIC PAIN ON THE RIGHT HAND, ARM, SHOULDER AND NECK. I had an MRI and will get results on "soft tissue damage" this week. Whatever, I know I have spastic nerve damage (yes, doing cold and hot therapy to little avail). Very concerned I will have chronic pain the rest of my life. Hope to get a cortisoid shot to ease the pain: but doctors where I live are not "high tech" and my insurance only provides a handful of doctors I can consult. They seem NOT to take pain seriously and I have allergies so pain pills are out of the question; and doctors like to plan the "prescription game". I am seeking "homeopathic" treatment. Regards, Franz

Hello Franz,
An injury of this sort is almost certainly multi-factorial. Perhaps a sprain or the wrist and shoulder, and since you have pain in the neck, probably there as well. Does moving your head and neck cause pain in your neck, and more important does it radiate to the arm with movt of the neck?

Taking painkillers is a dead loss. What is needed is a thorough exam of your wrist, lower arm, shoulder and neck. Then the treatment can be directed at the injured part, rather than "shot-gun" painkillers.

After two months it's a critical time. Research shows that if you still have neck pain after six months, there's a great likelihood you will have it for the rest of your life.

So, save your pennies, give up a few luxuries and vices and get to see your local chiro. It will cost I'm afraid, we don't live on charity. Take your scans and X-rays with you.

I hope this has contributed.

Dr B

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