Groin vaginal acute pain
Groin vaginal acute pain
I'm having sharp, breath-taking pain upon walking on my inner right groin area. Yesterday the sharp pain dulled out and turned into a deep almost vaginal burn feeling when walking.
And tonight, back to a sharp, debilitating pain radiating from my front right pelvic hip area done into the groin and back to my right sits bone area... And tonight it aches when I'm sitting with my leg elevated...
I had my second child in late april. Vaginal birth both babies. No real symptoms until Wednesday night. No obvious trauma, no fall.
I am active (especially with a 21 month old and a 5 month old) I walk daily and am trying to get back into running....which means I've ran twice in the last year....
Should I see someone for this? Or is this just a pulled groin that I should rest? The inner vaginal shooting pain/burn while walking confused me yesterday as I've never had that before... It took my breath away.... Please help. Thank you.
Hello Christina,
I don't generally believe in rushing off to the chiro / doctor but if it's "take my breath away" pain then you'd better see someone.
This could be a local problem, like a muscle strain, or capsular strain of the hip join, or referred pain from the sacroiliac joint or upper lumbar spine.
If the pain is mainly when walking, then I'd think of something local in the groin. Unlikely to arthritis or an impingement syndrome with sudden onset like this.
See if you can work out what relieves and aggravates the pain.
Any back pain?
Maignes syndrome is a referred pain from the back to buttock and groin area.
Look up Femoral nerve too on the
Search this site … Meantime, be careful; do some gentle hip and lower back exercises, and perhaps you'll be lucky and it will settle.
Child rearing years are hard. Lots of lifting... probably related to moving kids about.
Good luck, sorry I can't be more specific. Let us know in a few weeks how you are getting on. Keep to this thread.
Find a good chiropractor may be your next step.
Go from Groin vaginal acute pain to Chiropractic Tips … I hope this has contributed.
Dr B
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