Hip Pain and Lumbar Issues
by Mary
(Joshua Tree, CA USA)
I have been told my right leg is shorter than my left, so it's not surprising that I have hip joint pain. The hip pain feels like it's deep in the socket and radiates down the right side and into the front of the thigh.
I also have some lumbar issues in that although the pain isn't bad (mostly a mild dull ache), I am unable to arch my back fully. I was told about 6 years ago that I have some stenosis in the lumbar area, so that is probably why I no longer have the full range of motion when I try to arch my back. I find that sitting for extended periods of time really aggravates the pain in my hip.
Hello Mary,
There's nothing unusual about a short leg, it all depends on how much. Providing the right orthotic is often problematic producing unusual pains sometimes.
The real question here is whether this is a hip issue, or a back problem radiating to the hip, or two separate conditions. Only a careful and thorough examination will tell.
Start by lying on your back and pulling the knee to the chest, then to the opposite shoulder, then making a circle. Place the heel on the opposite knee and drop the knee into the lotus position. Now repeat with the naughty hip. Is there a marked difference?
Let me know, keeping to this thread.
Dr B