I have a limp but no pain
by Jody Honeycutt
(Rockingham, N.C. USA 28379)
I have a limp but no pain
I don't have much pain anywhere. Some low back discomfort at times but not really any pain. My feet do tingle in different positions. My r. leg feels weak and my leg gives the sensation of being loose in it's hip socket.I use nordic poles to take a walk because I'm afraid of falling or tripping because I have some foot drop on the right side. I know it is important to walk.
I started doing the Maignes's exercises now for 4 days, and honestly, I can feel a differnce in strength on the right side. I will keep that up. Can you help me?
[Hello Jody,
There's obviously something going on, something significant, but I need more details. When did this start? A fall? Your age? Pain in the groin?
I'm sure you've seen some doctors. What was the diagnosis? From what you tell me it's very difficult to know if this is a hip condition, neurological, even a diabetic neuropathy.
Have X-rays of the hip been taken? Are you in good health? Your weight? No change?
Let me know.
Dr B
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