Intolerable pain in left hip and back

by Betsy
(Fort Myers Fl)

Pain started in middle of left back, saw a chiropractor and was told it was soft tissue and after third treatment with him he told me there was nothing wrong; by this time I couldn't raise or bend my left leg or could walk very far.

I went to a different chiropractor and he did X-rays and left hip was way higher; after three treatments pain was now in buttocks, knee was weak, leg would give way after sharp pain in upper part of left leg; after third treatment was worse; my back was not flat when I laid on a bed so laying on left side of back, ribs starting to feel compressed while I tried to walk and lay, he tried to adjust my hip I think and pulled my leg sideways and down which created a lot of pain and after the third treatment my whole left side of the bottom of my torso was black and blue from him trying to adjust the hip.

I then went to a third chiropractor. One Chiropractor evaluated me by talking to me and noticed my left part of my back was raised and agreed I was twisted; saw the main chiropractor and he did adjustments; went back three days later and told him I wasn't better and again adjustments, somewhat better for a few hours; by this time I couldn't walk, with pain in my left hip radiating all the way down my leg moving through the upper leg and groin radiating down the thigh.

I started paying attention to everything I did when I slept and walked. Looked in mirror after shower and noticed my left hip was pushed up and in; put my feet together and my knee was turned in and my leg was forward versus the right leg.

My next visit to the chiropractor I told him to look at how I stood and he just stared at me. I finally asked if my hip was turned and pushed up and he said looks like it. He did some adjustments and set up appointment in a week or to come in if I can't take the pain. I know in the beginning of all of this if I would have had a thorough exam and a good chiropractor this would not have become the problem it has. I don't know anymore if a good chiropractor could help me or if I need to see an orthopedic.

I am not sure what is even wrong anymore. What do you think? Before we moved and I went to my chiropractor he would take care of the problem in a couple of adjustments but he always checked my mobility of the area before he would do any adjustment
How do I find a good chiropractor because reviews and taking x rays have not worked.

Shucks Betsy, you've had a tough time, and to be honest I'm not sure either. Wish I was nearer to examine you.

Is there no possibility you could get back to your old chiropractor; go back and stay with friends for a couple weeks?

From what you describe it's really not clear whether this is your back, the sacroiliac joint, or the hip; sometimes a bit of both.

May I ask you to do a few tests please.

1. Bend slowly forwards, then backwards, and then to the side. Do it carefully as it could make you worse. What do you feel; answer as accurately as possible if you want a useful suggestion from me.

2. Lying on your back, pull your knee to the chest, to the opposite shoulder, and then drop it into the lotus position. Again, precisely what do you feel?

3. Sitting in a kitchen chair, flex your head on your chest, and then straighten your right knee, lower, and then the left knee. Again exactly what do you feel?

Answer these, and then perhaps I'll have a better picture of what's happening.

Dr B

» Intolerable pain in left hip and back.

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Mar 14, 2017
I've had that pain!
by: Rita


I have had that horrible pain before; you should see a Physical Therapist. It could be a combination of things. I had this pain after having my son, through a c section. From not resting adequately my pelvis didn't joint back together, making my hips tilt in and one higher then the other. IT WAS THE WORST DAY TO REALIZE YOUR BODY WAS NOT WORKING WITH YOU.... I found a women health PT and she was able to help me stretch and strengthen certain muscles. Slowly and steadily I am getting better. I work toddlers and am often bent over and very active; this has been very different but I can confidently say you can get better!!!!

Try not to take pills for the pain- instead I made some Golden milk, yum!


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