ITBand numbness and cramping
by Deb
(U.S, Woodburn, Or.)
I had both hips replaced in 2015 and 2016; right after the surgery on left side ( last hip done) the occupational therapist asked if I'd like to sit in the recliner; when I backed up to it with walker and started to sit the left side of the chair swung back away from me and I flopped into the chair. Excruciating pain!!!!
My surgeon didn't think too much of it and his assistant a year later told me (after 3 bouts of phys. therapy) to just keep exercising it. The ITBand would become painful and felt very hard. Well this has now transposed into the ITBand goes numb when I am standing doing dishes....and while it's 'waking' it feels cold.
But, just last night it began a new symptom; it started going to 'sleep' and then started cramping , and cramping so badly I could only stand there; couldn't move or sit or anything......once it stopped cramping so badly and I sit in a chair it makes it stop completely, but as soon as I stand for too long it starts up again.
I don't know what to do about it and it's VERY painful.
Deb, I'm afraid this is beyond the scope of a chiropractor to answer, particularly as I am unable to examine you and there are many unanswered questions.
However, I'll make a few comments.
When you fell into the recliner, WHERE was the excruciating pain? In the groin, side of the hip, down the leg, in the back, buttock or elsewhere? The pin could have come loose in the shaft of the femur (has another x-ray been taken since this happened?), the graft in the acetabulum, or the epoxy could have come loose, and untold other things.
An ITB pain is not associated with numbness. Was it actually numb to pinprick, or did it just feel numb?
I wish I could be more helpful. Perhaps it's time for a second opinion from someone right outside of the practice, perhaps even in another city.
Good luck. Keep as active as you can in the circumstances.
Dr B