Lbp with hip pain.
I have low back pain; always have had. However this time it was different.
The pain I feel is isolated around my QL ON MY LEFT. I will have random spurts of nerve pain to the head of the fibula and sometimes into the back and lateral side of my calf but this is far and few between and not constant.
The main pain I also feel is from my ASIS to my PSIS and left glute med is extremely painful.
Any ideas?
Hello Daryl,
Firstly I actually recommend that everyone does some simple lower back exercises, simply because we sit to much and there's an epidemic of lower back pain; rather like brushing your teeth.
This is even more true of those like you who suffer from chronic pain; you can locate ours in the navigation bar on the left, but it might be better to get some professional advice for those most suitable to you.
Pain in the leg is an ominous development; it means that your LBP has progressed from grade one to two. Take this seriously.
This is particularly true if the Flip test is positive; ask someone to raise your good leg first, and then the naughty leg parallel to the ground. Is it painful or more tight in the calf area? It's called sciatica.
The sciatic nerve emerges from the back via the buttock in the area your describe and it's often painful in the gluteal muscles.
There are a lot of other structures there, so it's not guarantee that's the problem; only a careful and thorough examination will determine just what is causing your pain.
Have you seen any chiropractors? Start those exercises and do them faithfully every morning before getting out of bed. They only take about two minutes.
Dr B