like an electric shock in lower back

by Alvey
(Georgia, USA)

Hi Doc.

I had the strangest experience while sitting back on my zero gravity chair, just lying back still and suddenly felt something like an electric shock in my lower back!
I know I have several problems of my spine and neck but haven't had an MRI of the lower back lately, just x-rays, and the Chiros and Orthopedics have diagnosed them, but this is the first time I had this experience.

Have any suggestions? Thanks.

Hello Alvey,
Like most new pains, unless it's in the chest, just be careful, do your lower back exercises, perhaps more gently than usual, but more frequently, for a few days. Usually these things will pass of their own accord with a bit of common sense; don't go digging in the garden right now!

If it starts in your leg, then don't delay; see your chiropractor.

And if after a period, perhaps one or two weeks if it's still bothering, then obviously you have to do something more.

Do you exercise your back every single day? If you've been to chiropractors and surgeons and had an MRI then a daily commitment, just as you brush your teeth, is vital.

Dr B

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Sep 05, 2017
like electric shock in my lower leg
by: S J

I get sharp twinges like electric shocks in my ankle; intermittent, maybe 1-4 times per month, lasting a few seconds. No relationship to ankle position as far as I can tell; one occurred while my foot was mid-air in mid-step. I have had these for about the last 4 months, and for the past month my ankle has felt a lot weaker especially for inversion/eversion.

This leg has had sciatica due to a herniated disc, also a sprained ankle but for over 16 years that ankle was just as strong as the unsprained side.

My chiro recommended exercises to strengthen inversion and eversion, but could there be anything else that should be addressed?

Hello, yours is an interesting question; is it from your ankle or your back; best address them both.

Mid-air, mid-step would put stretch on the sciatic nerve; using the Site Search function, look up Slump Test for Sciatica, and ask a friend to passively lift your leg; is it much tighter in the leg than the other leg.

Check if you can stand as easily on your toes or heel as the other leg.

If you bend slowly forwards, backwards and to the side, do you feel anything in the leg?

Yes, I would do our lumbar exercises; good even if this is your ankle, and not from your back; find them in the navigation bar.

Dr B

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