Have suffered with this disease for many, many years. For no reason, I will have an attack and experience a headache, become very hot and finally start vomiting. If I recognize symptoms early on, I can prevent the attack by taking meclezine.
Hello Fran,
Are you also going deaf? That's an important part of the diagnosis of Meniere's syndrome.
More usually, the attacks of vertigo, a spinning world, absolutely horrid and ultimately vomiting is the result of a condition called Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo. BPPV.
Vertigo dizziness ... It's often brought on by turning in bed, turning your head, looking up, or at a strange angle, and has to do with the inner ear balance mechanism, rather than the nerve to the ear.
Have you had cold water squirted in your ear? What was the result. Have you ever heard of the Epley manoeuvres?
Frankly, I go through all of that first, before adjusting the neck. The problem can be in your neck, and some people are helped by cervical manipulation, but more often it's in the inner ear itself, in which case the treatment of choice is not drugs, or cervical manipulation, but the Epleys.
The diagnostic test is Hallpike Dix test. Your head will be turned in certain positions to see if it provokes vertigo, and spinning of your eyes.
Look for a chiropractor who specialises in the Epleys and BPPV first. If the problem is indeed in the inner ear organ, adjusting your neck can sometimes make it worse.
Get back to me in a couple months and let me know what's happening. I hope this has contributed.
Dr B