Muscle pain from pubic bone to knee
Two days ago I got an unexpected period (2 wks early). Yesterday I started to feel deep pain in a muscle at the top front of my left thigh. I find now when I press on the muscles near the base of my pubic bone on the left side it also hurts. The pain goes all the way to my left knee and it is hard to walk.
I can't lift my leg without pain and bending the knee, bending over from the hips, and turning over whilst lying down all hurt. I can feel it in my lower back now too.
I have a history of lower back pain though it has been many years since I had any major problems. This could be referred pain perhaps. It's the weekend and no physios are available. What is the best course of action till Monday? Rest the muscles? Stretch? Thank you, Jo.
Hello Jo,
It's already Monday alas!
The complicating factor in all this is the early period. Could it be a referred gynae problem? Perhaps. Or it could be quite unrelated.
However, what you describe is quadriceps or adductor magnus problem; some of these five muscles attach to the pubic bone; hence the tenderness.
It's chicken and egg, but more likely the pain in your lower back, perhaps the sacroiliac joint, is secondary to what's going on in the hip.
My guess is, but it's a long shot because many conditions can mimic this pain, that you've strained a muscle in the groin, and perhaps the hip capsule.
I would ice it, gently stretch and massage it, do some gently rotation of the hip lying flat on your back and give it a couple days. Often these things will settle down.
If there's excessive bleeding with your period, or you have the feeling this is a gynae problem, best see your doctor.
By the way, it's the pubic bone, not the public bone!
Let me know how you get on.
Dr B