Nearly passes out

Today I had to pull over my car. It started with my nose tingling and then my hands and arms... My fingers were hard to move.. Stuck in a splayed out position and my thumbs even harder stuck smashed up against the side of my hand.. They were shaking. I got out of the car and got down to my knees... My husband came and got me and drove me home.. I felt lightheaded and odd and my hands acted strangely like this for at least a half an hour.

I'm afraid I have no specific insights, but I would see your general practitioner. It sounds more like a "medical" problem and needs to be seen in the overall context of your general health. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, exercise regimen, your weight... a TIA is a possibility.

I hope this contributes.

Dr B

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Apr 10, 2012
hyperventilation and vasovagal response
by: Anonymous

I had something similar once and went to emergency room. I had numbness and tingling more on the left side of my nose, top of head. And my hands became stiff (called carpopedal spasm). I also felt a lot of anxiety and I was so scared. They said it was classic hyperventilation syndrome. I didn't think I was hyperventilating, but they said I was and sometimes it is just too shallow breathing in your uppper chest. That was 20 years ago, and I went through many more episodes before I began to recongnize my tense abdoman and shallow upper chest breathing in times of stressful situation or even a tense conversation. I now use relaxation and deep breathing from my lower abdoman and haven't had an episode in 20 years. I agree withh the Doctor that you should get a through exam. But the spasm in both your hands, tingling on your face, and you getting out of the car and dropping to your knees rang a bell for me (I had all that, but I got out of my car and lied down on the ground thinking I was going to die). I also had cervical neck pains at the time, and gastrointestinal symptoms, so maybe it is related somehow as I also read that there is a "vasovagal" response to hyperventilation. All things to consider but there are medical causes as well so get a check up.

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