neck and shoulder pain
I woke up Sunday morning with a "kink" in my right neck. The pain actually comes from the mid-scapular region along the right side of my vertebrae, but it feels muscular. It was hard to turn my head without the pain in the neck, back and shoulder. When I move my head to the left, it actually pulls my right shoulder forward.
On Monday, I had some acupuncture done, and again on Tuesday. It did temporarily relieve some of the pain and inflammation. I have been taking both acetaminophen and ibuprofen, with intermittent heat/cold on the area.
By Wednesday, I was tender, but not too bad. Today, Thursday, I have pain in the front of my right clavicle, pain down the underside of my right arm, pain at the base of my skull, and a "pulled" feeling at the front of my clavicle that pulls into my neck (feels like when swallowing and or talking). I have tingling in my thumb and first two fingers. I have booked a massage for tomorrow, am I on the right path? I'm tired of the pain! I'm having difficulty sleeping through the night too. Please help.
Muscular pain is usually increased by turning to the opposite side. If turning to the same side, especially if it hurts turning right and then looking up, then you should suspect a problem in the joint. Only a careful examination will determine which one.
This condition often is worse at night. It's of concern that it's now going down your arm, and the pattern is a little unusual. Underside of your arm and first three fingers points to a non-dermatomal condition. Perhaps a first rib subluxation.
Also that clavicle pain. I suspect this something that will need rather more than a good massage. Firstly a good chiropractic examination.
Dr B