Pain in Si joint on left side, very severe!
by Lorraine
Over the past few weeks I have been experiencing worsening Si joint pain, to the point that when I get up in the morning I literally can't bend over. It's terribly painful and debilitating.
I see a chiropractor for another issue: my right hip "climbs" to a certain level and needs to be adjusted, as in "pulled down", and I don't think this is helping the Si issue at all when it's "out". Today I went for another hip adjustment and the chiro again attempted to loosen some of the tightness around the Si joint to no avail. I think this may just be aggravating the problem while solving another.
My question is: could this in any way be a disc issue? My symptoms lie right over the Si joint and spread to the surrounding butt muscles. So painful! Chiro had me lean to the side and asked if that made the pain worse as a test to see if it was the disc. It didn't, so he's assuming that the Si alone is inflamed and just plain angry. Could I have "broken" something? Can this issue be resolved? Is chiro making the area worse? Almost went to the ER this morning because of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hello Lorraine,
The spine is notorious for referred pain; although it appears to be located in the SI joint there's not guarantee that it is the spoke in the wheel.
The fact that forward bending hurts certainly suggests a disc may be involved. Do you have pain with sneezing, coughing or bearing down on the toilet.
Sit in a kitchen chair and straighten your leg parallel to the ground; repeat with the other leg. Do you get pain in the lower back, buttock or leg?
It is possible that the manipulation could be making it worse; every chiropractor will admit to having worsened a disc injury. It's a skilled business and sometimes one makes the decision to do this or that, and it's not best.
You obviously know your chiropractor well, so discuss these things with him.
Are you doing any back exercises. You'll find ours in the navigation bar at chiropractic help. Do them before arising in the morning; in bed. Ice will help.
I think you must use your common sense and gut feel; if it seems sensible to stop with chiropractic manipulation for a period, then do so.
As you have done but writing to chiropractic help, get another opinion. Be careful; sit less, don't bend and be very careful with lifting and housework.
I hope this contributes.
Dr B