Pain in upper thigh

by Denise
(Coventry, ct)

I have pain in my upper thigh. The pain becomes more intense with extended periods of movement.

Eventually leg(s) feel as though it will give out. Furthermore when I sit and rest the leg(s)it becomes numb. Once I try to move from this position I don't seem to have feeling and movement for my leg(s).

Hello Denise,
The first step is to work out exactly which parts of the upper thigh are affected; back, side, front or inner thigh?

And secondly exactly which extended movements make the upper thigh pain more intense? Is it flexion of the upper thigh, for example? Or is it extended movements of your back?

When you say your leg gives out, do you mean at the knee? Does it conk in at the knee on the steps? Or is it at the hip? Is it due to pain, or just a weak feeling? Has the knee jerk reflex been tested?

Sitting, can you raise your knee? Is it weak or painful? Where?

If you bend slowly forwards, then backwards, and then to the side, does it provoke pain in the back or upper thigh? Do it carefully as it could aggravate the condition.

Does it hurt in the groin? If you pull the knee to the chest is is inordinately stiff? Painful? Where?

You don't say how long this has been going on, but if it's weeks or months, then it's time to start hunting for someone who specialises in upper thigh pain. If you can go armed with answers to the above questions, your chiropractor or doctor will be able to help you much more quickly by making the correct diagnosis.

Prick you upper thigh and with a needle and compare with the other leg. Is there a difference? Numb or more sensitive?

If you can give me very specific answers to ALL these questions then we can take it further.

Dr B

» Pain in upper thigh

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