Rhomboid Muscle Tear
by Brandon
(Quebec, Laval)
I've been in constant pain in my upper back on my right side exactly where my rhomboid is; the first initial sign of pain was really dramatic, the pain was deep and very powerful; over time now it's been 3 months.
I've seen physiotherapists, and after all this time my back still aches and hurts and just won't heal; is there anything I can do to help it heal properly and fully?
Or am I bound to constant aching and soreness for the rest of my life?
Please let me know, none of my doctors here can help me I'm very desperate.
Hello Brandon,
Normally I wouldn't respond to a letter written in such crap not-so-smartphone grammar; today I've made an exception, and corrected it for you. If you were French I would understand.
A muscle tear suggests you were lifting something very heavy, far beyond your strength. Is that correct? If not, I question the diagnosis. If it's wrong, then of course you are not responding to the treatment.
Upper thoracic pain is notoriously difficult; it can be a referred pain from the neck via the dorsal scapular nerve. Then it may indeed be a rhomboid muscle tear. Or, it could be from a subluxated rib head below the rhomboid muscle, or from the thoracic spine itself.
Then it could be from a lung condition, are you a smoker? Or referred from one of the organs. The pancreas for example typically refers to the midback.
In short, when any condition is not responding to treatment, a fresh look at the problem is called for; by someone else. Your doctor perhaps, another physiotherapist, a chiropractor, or even an orthopaedic surgeon.
Your call.
Dr B