rotator cuff surgery elbow and carpal tunnel surgery

by wendy

Carpal tunnel surgery

I'm sick of pain - 1 year later still have chronic pain on right side and it moves to left back of neck and scapular which i have knots in it.

I can hardly turn my neck - no insurance now

Hello Wendy,
You were badly advised. The primary cause of the pain in your arm was obviously in your neck - all the surgery in the world in your wrist and shoulder couldn't possibly fix the pain radiating down your arm.

Start saving your pennies, and see a local chiropractor.

Dr B

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Dec 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

thanks ima give it a try

Dec 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

thanks dr b

Dec 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

hi my neck been stiff now for the last 12 days im sick opf it i also have knots inmy scapular i had told my doc about that before surgeries i did have a tear in my rotator cuff but after it got repaired i was still haveing numbness and tingling i told them it was the neck or scapular they suggested surgery on elbow and carbel tunnel my fingers still lock up today and 1year later i still have all kin of pain and i cant use my right arm right no more any suggestions and i lost my madical cverage tryin to get some insurance now year later i havent seen the rigt doc yet only the clinic.

The right doctor is almost certainly a chiropractor. But you've had pain for a long time now, so don't expect miracles.

Dr B

Dr B

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