slipped disc L4-5
by Maria
(Sofia, Bulgaria)
Hello dear Chiropracticers,
I am Maria from Bulgaria.
I am 69 years alt and have slipped disks L4-5/Spine lumba - sacral/.
Now I take painkillers, any kind of medicines prescribed by the doctors in Bulgaria /"Milgamma N"-regularly and in time of severe pain "Movalis 15 mg" and "Algasan-gel". Another kind of threatment was extensionon of the spine in the area of sacral but the pain is the same and discomfortability is a GREAT.
I kindly ask for your advice and for direction to expert-Chiropracticer, possibly in Europa to whom can to present in detail my problem and madicine analyses of my condition.
I stay with great respect and hope: Maria Arnaudova
Hello Maria,
I have forwarded your letter to two officials in the Netherlands for advice as to where you could obtain chiropractic care.
If you don't hear from them, please contact me again.
Meantime, go to, in the Navigation bar on the left you'll find some back exercises. Start doing them faithfully, sit less and use alternating cold and heat on your back for pain relief. Try and go for a short walk daily.
I hope this contributes.
Dr B