Tingling and numbness in left arm.

by Joel
(Webb City, MO)

For over a month now I have been having a tingling/cold feeling in my left arm. Sometimes also, the right arm but never as severe as the left. I have had some chiropractic care (about 5 sessions) that has not provided any relief. I have also had one session of neck traction which also didn't seem to provide much relief. I don't appear to have any weakness or loss of function, but it is very concerning. I also recently had lumbar surgery (L5-S1), but nothing involving the neck area. Also, my traps have been extremely tight and sore lately.

Does this sound like nerve impingment? Or could it be something more serious? I have not had an MRI or x-rays or anything like that, but the basic physical exams don't indicate disc issues. With some of the other symptoms I have been having post lumbar surgery I am concerned that I have something more serious. Like MS or other such neurological disorder.

Hello Joel,
In my book you should at least have had some xrays, certainly now that there has been no response to treatment.

During an anaesthetic the neck is extended to keep the airway open, so that could certainly be the cause, but there's some underlying condition in the neck, most likely worn joints of Luschka that lie alongside the nerve root.

Does turning your head to the left, and then looking up, cause pain? Using the search function at Chiropractic Help, find and do the Upper limb tension test. What happens?

It's most unlikely MS. Get that xray, including oblique views.

Dr B

Any help/thoughts you can provide would be most appreciated.

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Aug 20, 2015
Tingling and numbness
by: Joel

It is definitely in my neck that hurts. Not horrible pain, but definitely in the neck more than the arm.

Does that tell you something?

It's a good sign, Joel. The condition is much worse, more stubborn to treatment when it immediately radiates down the arm.

Now for the xrays and the ULTT.

Dr B

» Tingling and numbness

Aug 20, 2015
Tingling and numbness
by: Joel

This is in response to the question I was asked.

Yes, turning my head to the left and looking up does hurt, but not severely. But definitely different from the right side. What would this indicate?

Thanks, Joel

Hello Joel,
Does it hurt in your neck or your arm, or both? It confirms that the problem is in your neck, and not some dread disease like MS. And the ULTT?

Get the XRays taken. Including obliques remember.

Dr B

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