tingling and pain in left arm and hand

Tingling and pain in left arm and hand and severe headaches.

X Ray findings show

Bones on cervical spine are aligned. No cervical spine fracture is seen.

1. There is prominent facet athropathy bilaterally at each level of the cervical spine.
There is mild disc degeneration each level of the cervical spine. There is prominent degenerative change of the anterior C1-C2 articulation.

2. There is neural foraminal stenosis on the right at C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7. There is neural foraminal narrowing on the right side C4-C5.

Thank you so much for your help and advice.

All of this is consistent with headaches and tingling and pain in the left arm and hand.

What is unusual is the upper cervical degenerative change; that area is only rarely affected by arthritis. Is your neck particularly stiff? You don't have psoriasis or some other arthropathy?

Your symptoms are not unusual at all in the chiropractic clinic, but I'd be wary of that upper cervical arthritis until I was sure what was happening. Do you suffer from dizziness or vertigo?

I hope this contributes.

Dr B

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