Tingling, down the arm and into all the fingers
by TWT
(Winthrop, Maine)
My husband is experiencing frequent, but not constant, tingling, and pins and needles feeling down his left arm and into the tips of all his fingers. It is relieved when he raises his arm. This was not an injury and it has been going on for about 4 weeks.
He does not have any chest heaviness or pain, nor does any tingling radiate to the jaw. He is 58 yrs. old. He has not seen a doctor: he won't unless he is dying.
Any idea what might cause this and what he can do?
Hello TWT,
I'm not sure because it doesn't fit into anyone of the classical patterns. If it's definitely affecting all the fingers then it's not a nerve root problem.
If raising the arm relieves the tingling then the suggestion is that it IS a nerve root problem; the so called Shoulder Abduction Relief sign.
Does turning his head to the left, and simultaneously looking up have any effect?
Try the Upper Limb Tension Test using the search this site function.
Making windmills with the left arm sometimes helps, but what's really needed here is a diagnosis. A smoker? Very rarely a pancoast tumour in the apex of the lung can do this; but then he would have a bad cough and be really sick.
I don't believe in rushing off to the doctor or chiropractor for every little pain, but if it's going down the arm then time to do something. Preferably before he's actually dying!
I hope this contributes.
Dr b