tingling, numbing and deep pain in arm and hand and fingers,
I have been experiencing SEVERE pain in my arm, hand and fingers (right is severe...some in the left).
It will be tingling, then expand to where there is numbness and it feels like my fingers could explode; the skin on the fingers become very taught.
The pain then becomes excruciating.
This will go on all night, that the touch to the skin hurts by morning.I will also have episodes during the day if I try to do any fine motor task (remote control, simply hitting the buttons) it will ease up then start again and the process may pass by the tingling and go directly to just the severe pain and taughtness.
I have been experiencing some pain in left hip as well so I feel I may be having some major nerve issues. All of this has come on very frequently as far as the intensity.I have had tinglng before but never like this as far as the intensity nor frequency..this is very different than a hand falling asleep, or normal athritis.
Four important questions.
* Which fingers?
* Do any movements of your head and neck provoke pain in the neck or arm?
* When you get an "attack" are there any changes in the colour of your fingers? Do they swell?
* Do activities like hanging up the washing (hands above the head) bring on an attack, or extreme weak feeling in the arms?
Let me know, and we'll take this further.
Dr B