Upper thigh, back and leg pain

by Sara

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I have been having this upper thigh, back and leg pain for quite a long time.

It is on the top of my right thigh, more on the inner part of thigh, and radiates down to knee, shin and ankle. Then on the ball of my feet.

I also have tingling and like burning sensation on both feet especially in evening when I lay down on the sofa

Also have a bad back pain that has been there for some time.

I also have a herniated cervical disc on C5 C6 for years and I have been suggested surgery but so scared to do it.

And because of cervical herniation, every pain I experience on my legs, my go saya that could all be because of my cervical herniation. And because I haven't done the surgery, he says I have to have the surgery to rule that out and then we can look at other options!

Im soooo worried that might as well be true that I'm damaging my self by not having the infusion, even though my neurosurgeon has given me a written letter that I would not be damaging my self if I decide not to have the surgery!

I'm living with pain for long time now, but the legs are worrying me lately as I can't even turn left or right to sleep at night as if I do, I will wake up with great pain on both arm and leg on the side I slept on.

I have been trying lately doing some exercise myself and even long walking every day, but it is not helping much?

Am I doing myself worse by doing this?
Thank you.

Hello Sara,
Firstly, I had to make 27 corrections to your grammar; normally I wouldn't have answered. If you want to continue this please write on a computer, not one of those not so smart devices.

I agree with you; having a neck operation to rule out that the pain in your leg is not coming from your neck is about the dumbest suggestion I have ever heard! But it's true that a cervical herniation that reaches the spinal cord can produce symptoms in the legs, but they are non dermatomal and associated with increased reflexes. They are called long tract signs because they impinge on the long spinal tracts reaching to and from your brain to your legs, and other parts of course.

The upper and inner thigh stretching down to the lower leg (is it on the inner side of your shin?) and foot is strongly dermatomal and suggestive of a femoral nerve lesion in your lower back. Is the knee starting to give on the stairs?

The femoral nerve stretch would confirm this; and a diminished knee jerk reflex. Prick you leg; is there a change in sensation following one of the dermatomes shown? Early on it's usually more sensitive, later it becomes numb.

Does bending forwards, backwards or to the side provoke pain or tingling in your leg?

The hip needs to be examined too; it often produces symptoms in the thigh, but not usually reaching down into the lower leg. Pull your knee to your chest; do you get groin pain and is it very stiff?

What's needed is a very thorough chiropractic examination; look for someone with a reputation for being conscientious and thorough. A few clicks of your back are unlikely to be of much benefit.

Start the exercises which can be found in the index at Chiropractic Help and do them every morning before getting out of bed for the rest of your life. Regular walks and swims would help too.

A chicken bones bouillon made regularly into a vegetable soup would be a great aid to your cartilage.

You can't just ignore this, Sara, and hope it'll get better; you've got to do something.

Good luck, I hope this all contributes.

Dr B

» Upper thigh, back and leg pain

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